BBEdit 13.0 Release Notes
BBEdit 13.0 is a major upgrade, which includes significant new features, visible changes to existing features, and fixes for reported issues.
Because BBEdit 13 builds on features that were added during the BBEdit 12 cycle, please take a few moments to review the release notes for BBEdit 12.6, BBEdit 12.5, BBEdit 12.1, and BBEdit 12.0, or browse the release notes archive.
![13.0 13.0](
For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose 'User Manual' from BBEdit's Help menu).
BBEdit 13.0.5 contains fixes for reported issues. For details on all the new features and enhancements available in BBEdit 13, please see the release notes for BBEdit 13.0. If you haven't looked at BBEdit for a while, we encourage you to catch up on the notes from BBEdit 12.6, BBEdit 12.5, BBEdit 12.1, and BBEdit 12.0, or browse the. Bbedit 13.0 + Serial Number 1. BEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. BBEdit 13.0.5 macOS 13 MB BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. BBEdit 13.0.3 for Mac 免費下載 代碼編輯器軟件. BBEdit for Mac是一個完整的代碼編輯器,可以讓你使用各種編程語言。. 如果你需要一個HTML代碼編輯器,C-Objective SQL Java,JavaScript,JSP,Object Pascal和C ,Perl,PHP,Python,Ruby或者其他軟件都可以嘗試BBEdit并留在他身. BBEdit transforms text with high. BBEdit for PC and Mac. Written by Bare Bones Software, Inc. Category: Developer Tools Release date: 2019-12-05 Licence: Free Software version: 13.0.3 File size: 14.03 MB Compatibility: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista and Mac OS X 10.14.2. Bare Bones Software has published BBEdit 13.0.2 with bug fixes and feature.
BBEdit 13 requires Mac OS X 10.14.2 or later, and is compatible with macOS 10.15 'Catalina'.
If you are using macOS 10.14 'Mojave', please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (10.14.6 or later).
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If you have been using BBEdit 11.6 or later in Free Mode, starting BBEdit 13 will reset your 30-day evaluation period, so that you can have a full trial of the new features.
If you have previously purchased a license from us for BBEdit 12 or older, you will have a full 30-day evaluation period in which to try out BBEdit 13's new features. License upgrades are available at a discount for existing customers. Please see the BBEdit upgrades page for information and instructions.
Mac App Store customers: If you have an active subscription, you will immediately have access to all of BBEdit 13's new features, and no further action is required. If you have been using BBEdit 12 in Free Mode, starting BBEdit 13 will reset your 30-day evaluation period, so that you can have a full trial of the new features.
BBEdit 13 will use your existing BBEdit settings and support folder items from BBEdit 10, 11, or 12. Settings and support folder items from older versions are migrated whenever possible.
If you have been using TextWrangler and have never used BBEdit before, BBEdit 13 will import your TextWrangler settings and support files.
The 'Pattern Playground' window provides an interactiveinterface for experimenting with the behavior of Grep patterns(regular expressions). This makes the process of creatingcomplicated patterns much less trial-and-error, since you can seeexactly what will match, and how, before committing to anyirreversible actions.
A complete description of the pattern playground is in the PatternPlayground Notes.
Added the Grep Cheat Sheet. This appears as a popup menu buttonin the Find, Multi-File Search, and Pattern Playground windows;as well as in the 'Process Lines Containing', 'ProcessDuplicates', and 'Sort Lines' dialog boxes. The button pops up amenu which provides some common Grep pattern idioms and briefdescriptions; choosing one will insert it literally into thepattern and select it (replacing anything that has beenselected). In the Find and Multi-File Search windows, choosing anitem from the cheat sheet also turns on the 'Grep' option.
BBEdit allows you to make rectangular selections in documentsfor which 'Soft Wrap Text' is turned on. Note that therectangular selections are made in the actual text, not in thevisual representation; and so if the rectangular selectioncrosses a wrapped line, the wrapped portion of the line will notbe highlighted.
When editing the search string in the Find window, any matchesfor it will highlight in the 'target' document window (usuallythe one immediately behind the window). (This works for Greppatterns too, as long as the pattern is valid.) This allows basicpreviewing of the effects of a Find All or Replace All operation.
There are two new commands on the 'Select' submenu of the Editmenu:
Highlighted Matches: selects matches found using the'Display instances of selected text' feature.
Live Search Results: selects matches found while searchingusing the Live Search feature. (Note that this is onlyavailable while keyboard focus is in the Live Search searchbox.)
'Find & Select All' on the Search menu does what it says: basedon the current search string and options, it will select allmatches for the string (or pattern, if grep is turned on). Thismay also be used from within the Find window.
The 'Appearance' preferences have been changed: the old 'Matchapplication appearance to selected editor color scheme' settingis gone. All the confusion and weirdness involving color schemesand Dark Mode has been swept away. In its place is a much simplersetting: 'Application Appearance'. Each respective setting doeswhat it says on the tin:
'Use system appearance': follow the setting in the 'General'system preferences. If you are using 'Automatic' on macOSCatalina, the application will change accordingly.
'Light': uses the Light appearance, even if the Generalsystem preference is set to Dark (or the system has been setto dark mode automatically).
'Dark': uses the Dark appearance, even if the General systempreference is set to Light (or the system has been set tolight mode automatically).
If you are upgrading from an older version of BBEdit, or startingfrom scratch, BBEdit will try to pick an initial setting that makessense, based on whether your system is currently in Dark Mode and(for existing preferences) what color scheme you have selected.
BBEdit will also automatically switch color schemes when itsappearance changes. More on this is available in the changes section, below.
Made a change so that untitled documents can use sharedcompletion data (from the
Completion Data
application supportfolder).The Python language module gets a built-in set of tags, for thecore Python symbols.
The per-language settings panel (Languages preferences,'Language-Specific settings' section) now includes distinct colorscheme settings for light vs. dark application appearance.
When previewing a document, BBEdit will perform placeholder andinclude processing on the document, so that the live previewreflects exactly what the results of site deployment would be.
The 'Deploy Site' command for configured web projects will now:
Generate and upload HTML for Markdown (and Textile, if anysuch are in use) files.
Perform placeholder and include processing on HTML documents(including HTML generated from Markdown and Textile, ifapplicable).
A significant change from previous versions is that transformationprocessing (placeholders, includes, Update Images) does not affectthe document on disk. This vastly improves usability when the sitefiles are under source control, since there are no more random batchchanges to files as they are uploaded.
Note: When deploying a site, any non-HTML files which arepreprocessed into HTML (such as Markdown or Textile) are uploadedusing the file's base name with an
file name extension. So,
will be uploaded asfoo.html
.If there is a file name which exactly matches the uploaded name,this is an error and the file will not upload. So if you have
in your local directory,
willreport an error, andfoo.html
will be uploaded.'Re-Deploy Entire Site' is now available on the Markup -> Updatemenu, as well as in the action bar popup for web site projects.After confirmation, this will re-process and re-deploy all filesin the site.
The Text Colors preferences have been slightly rearranged, tomake room for a new 'Sub-line differences' color setting. Thisprovides explicit control over the color used for characterranges within a single 'nonmatching lines' difference, ratherthan using a derived color.
If a color scheme does not contain an explicit setting for sub-linedifferences, BBEdit will derive it from the Differences color, as inversions past.
The 'Currently Open Documents' sidebar section header gets apopup menu on its right side; this contains commands forrearranging the items in the list based on name, date, or historyorder ('Most Recently Opened'/'Least Recently Opened').
These commands are immediate, and don't have any effects outsideof their immediate invocation (i.e. they don't permanently changethe sort order for the sidebar).
Added a 'Magnification' setting to the Editor Defaultspreferences. This sets the default magnification for new textviews. Changes will take effect the next time a text view iscreated, and will not affect open views.
The Clippings palette (once again, if you remember that farback) lists items hierarchically. If you use the search box, theportion of the clipping name which matches the search string (orwildcard pattern) gets highlighted in the display.
There's a new setting in the Appearance preferences: 'Status baritem size'. (The name is chosen for brevity: changes here willaffect items in the text status bar, navigation bar, and in thesidebars for editing, project, and Differences windows).
The 'Normal' setting is the factory default. The 'Large' settingcauses these items to occupy more space and will use a larger textsize for drawing, which enhances readability for some customers.
Added a new command to the Text menu: 'Apply Transform'. Thiscommand provides an 'express' way to apply a single texttransformation to specific files or folders, without requiringthe explicit creation of a Text Factory. (You can, if you wish,save a text factory.)
Added a 'Change Notes' command to the Help menu. This will openyour default web browser to display the change notes for theversion you're running.
The 'Contact Us' command on the Help menu will create apre-addressed email message to
,containing the application and OS versions in its body. We willbe grateful for a meaningful subject line and an appropriatedetailed description of your question, issue, or feature request.As always, any information provided in your email, including youremail address, is protected by our privacy policy.There's an additional command in the 'Find Windows' section ofthe Menus & Shortcuts preferences: 'Open Pattern Cheat Sheet'.This does pretty much what you'd think from the name.
The 'Process Lines Containing' sheet gets an 'Entire Word'option; when this is turned on, lines are only considered tomatch if the text (or pattern) match lies on the boundary betweena word break and a word character.
If a file's settings are affected by EditorConfig, the TextOptions popover and sheet will contain a popup menu button whichlists the directories in the document's folder ancestry whichcontain EditorConfig files. Selecting an item from the menu willopen it.
Added a text factory operation: 'Strip Trailing Whitespace'.This performs the same operation as the Text Files preferencesetting with the same name.
Added a text factory operation: 'Ensure Line Break at EOF'. Thisoperation will add a line break to any non-empty file that doesnot end with one.
Added a 'Strip Trailing Whitespace' command to the Text menu. Ifthere is no selection, this will be done to the entire document;otherwise, the selection is extended to the nearest line startand end as necessary, and only the selected range will beprocessed.
Created a new 'Sidebar' preferences section, with settings tocontrol, uh, the behavior of the sidebar. The new and/or newlyexposed settings include:
o Reshape window when showing or hiding (on by default, will grow or shrink the window horizontally so that the editing view stays the same size);
o Add documents in alphabetical order (on by default, adds new and newly created documents to the list alphabetically whenever possible. If you have rearranged the list so that it is out of order, the results may be unpredictable.)
o Show icons in sidebar lists (on by default) does what its name suggests; turning off icons will create a little more horizontal space.
The contextual menu in the 'Currently Open Documents' sidebarlist now includes 'New Text Document' and 'New HTML Document'.(Note that 'New HTML Document' is part of the markup tools, whichare not available in Free Mode.)
It's now possible to perform a contextual-menu click on a listitem that is not currently selected; it will highlightappropriately, and any commands on the menu which would haveapplied to the selected items will apply to the right-clickeditem instead, without causing it to be selected.
The Columns submenu on the Edit menu gets a 'Select Columns'command, which will select the columns which intersect with thecurrent text selection. (It's analogous to the other columnediting operations on the same menu.)
For language module developers: compiled language modules nowhave the ability to generate and use their own document-specificdata. More details on this internal change are available in theLanguage Module Changes technical note.
Big changes to the way appearance and color schemes are managed.Settle in for the read:
BBEdit will no longer alter its own appearance based on theactive color scheme. Instead, the active scheme setting inthe 'Text Colors' preferences sets the color scheme which isin effect for the prevailing appearance.
Thus, you can set up one color scheme to be used in Light Mode,a different color scheme to be used in Dark Mode, and wheneveryou change the OS appearance in the General system preferences,BBEdit will select the desired color scheme. This playsparticularly well with the 'Auto' setting in macOS Catalina.
The factory defaults are 'BBEdit Light' for Light Mode, and'BBEdit Dark' for Dark Mode.
In the 'Appearance' preferences, you can choose theapplication appearance that you desire, or instruct BBEdit tofollow the system's appearance. The factory default is'Dark', which will cause BBEdit to use Dark Mode (and theappropriate color scheme, per the above) all the time.
If you choose 'Light', BBEdit will be in Light Mode all thetime. If you opt to 'Use system appearance', BBEdit's appearancewill change as needed whenever the system appearance (Light Modeor Dark Mode) changes. Again, this works nicely with the 'Auto'setting in macOS Catalina.
The Text Colors preferences are now easier to use forselecting and editing color schemes. A central concept isthat there is now always a color scheme in effect. It canbe a factory color scheme, one you've downloaded, or oneyou've created. The previous 'Custom Settings' indication nolonger appears.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of BBEdit, and youhad custom settings in effect, BBEdit will write your settingsout into a color scheme file in your 'Color Schemes' applicationsupport folder, and then make that color scheme active. You won'tlose any settings, and as a bonus your color scheme can be used withany modern version of BBEdit (11.0 or later).
If you have a color scheme selected, any changes you make tosettings in the Text Colors preferences will change the colorscheme file on disk.
Before making making any changes to the color scheme file,BBEdit will ask Time Machine to save a version snapshot. You canopen the scheme file and use 'Compare Against Previous Versions'on the Search menu to evaluate the changes. BBEdit will alsomake a backup copy of the scheme file into your 'BBEdit Backups'folder (which itself lives in your Documents directory).
If your selected color scheme was one of the built-in schemes,BBEdit will first make a copy of the scheme into your 'ColorSchemes' support folder, and then apply the changes to the copy,and finally will select the copy as the active scheme.
To create a new color scheme, go to the 'Text Colors'preferences and select the scheme you'd like to start with(if it's not the active color scheme already).
Then, click the 'New...' button. BBEdit will propose a name forthe new scheme, which you can of course edit as desired. Click'OK', and BBEdit will create your new color scheme in your'Color Schemes' support folder, and then make it active. Fromthere you can edit the scheme by changing settings in the TextColors preferences.
When you open a color scheme file, it will (once again) openas text. This makes hand editing and inspection much simplerthan was possible in BBEdit 12.5/12.6. (Hand edits to thescheme file won't take effect immediately; you canfrob thecolor scheme setting to cause it to reload.)
Changed the appearance of the search history and pattern popupmenu buttons in the Find and Multi-File Search windows to matchthe appearance of the same buttons when used in other panels(such as Process Lines Containing).
BBEdit will calculate an appropriate size for the font used inthe line number bar, based on the point size of the font used forediting. The maximum size of the line number bar font is limitedto 24 points. If you would prefer a lower (or higher) limit, youcan adjust this:
defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MaximumLineBarPointSize -float NN
' must be a decimal number, and should be greater than zero.The Search menu was getting a little long, so there's a new'Find Differences' submenu on the Search menu. This contains thespecialized forms as well as the in-context commands (Apply toLeft/Right, Compare Again).
The line number/gutter area in text views now draws using thesame background as the text area. In the line number bar, linenumbers that lie inside the selection range are now drawn usingdarker text.
Made a change to ask the OS-provided print panel to place thepage attribute controls (orientation, scaling, paper size) in thepanel proper, rather than hiding them behind the 'PageAttributes' section in the popup menu.
Made a change so that status bar and navigation bar items drawpopup (or drop-down) menu indicators using standard OSprimitives.
Made a change so that the sidebar header in disk browser windowsdraws the popup arrow indicator using standard OS primitives.
BBEdit uses the document's display font to draw line numbers inthe line number bar. This may be less than ideal if the displayfont isn't monospaced. If desired, you can instruct BBEdit to usethe system font with monospaced numbers for the line number bar:
defaults write com.barebones.bbedit UseSystemFontForLineBar -bool YES
Changes to this setting take effect immediately, and do not requirerestarting the application.
BBEdit will dynamically adjust the width of the line number bar,based on the point size of font used to display the document'stext, and the number of lines in the document.
'Reveal in Finder', 'Go Here in Terminal', and 'Go Here in DiskBrowser' on the View menu are now enabled when an item isselected in the list of items to search in the Multi-File Searchwindow, assuming that the item corresponds to an actual file orfolder on disk.
If an open document's name is not unique(*), its entry in thesidebar is qualified by some useful portion of its directorypath. (*) Does not apply to untitled documents.
It's now possible to click on and drag a non-selected item in alist (such as a disk browser or editing window sidebar) and dragit, without the item first becoming selected (and causingunexpected side effects). This change makes the list behaviorconsistent with OS standard table and outline view controls.
If an FTP browser window is active and disconnected, 'Open fromFTP/SFTP Server' will start its connection sheet, rather thandoing nothing.
The 'New HTML Document' panel no longer requires that a pagetemplate's name end in '
' in order to appear in the 'Pagetemplate' menu. All that is necessary is for either thedocument's filename extension to map to an HTML-like language(HTML, XML, Ruby in HTML, PHP in HTML) or that be a text filewhose contents contain something that looks reasonably HTML-like.The navigation bar items in 'Preview in BBEdit' windows are alldrop-down menus, so their indicators are drawn accordingly.
Made a change so that the line bar includes highlighting to showwhich lines lie inside of the selected range of text.
If the shell process underlying a Shell Worksheet exitsunexpectedly, the status bar will indicate '
<shell not running>
'.Made a change to automatically save a document's state when closingit (including when quitting) when
is turned on, because doing so changes an xattr and does not actuallytouch the file's content modification date.Moved sidebar settings into the Sidebar preferences, and removedthe boxes from the remaining settings.
Changed the appearance of the menu item badges for evaluationmode; the badges no longer rely on color as a status indicator.
Gave the icons in the Preferences window a bit of buff and polish.
When doing a folder compare, each pair of files in the sidebarwill contain an indicator to show whether the files in the pairare identical ('=') or not ('•'). (This applies as long asboth files in the pair are present; otherwise the copy arrow isshown as usual.)
Fixed crash which would occasionally occur if the file waschanged on disk while words were being counted for textstatistics display (in the status bar or in the file informationpopover).
Made a change so that overlay alerts aren't obscured by palettesin the center of the display.
Made a change to right-justify the keyboard equivalent column inthe Clippings palette.
Removed a stale reference to the auto-save data folder from thesupport folder's
Read Me.txt
.Fixed bug in which using 'Hard Wrap' on files which used curlybraces in various places (such as CSS) would quote those lines,because '}' was treated as a quote character.
Fixed a bug in which determination of a menu's visibility atstartup would return the wrong answer, if certain externalconditions applied. The decision is now made later in the startupprocess.
Made a change to the SGML/HTML parser so that it wouldn't getconfused by single quotes that occur inside of double-quotedstrings during XML PI processing. This partially fixes theobserved symptom in which fold generation would get confused bythe occurrence of a single quote (e.g. a contraction) in a stringwithin 'PHP in HTML' files.
When sending an
URL to BBEdit, either directly or via'x-bbedit://open?url=sftp:
', if the directory path in the URLisn't properly separated by the URL, BBEdit would assume that itwas home-relative. Usage of the necessary separator is fairlyloose, so BBEdit will now make a second attempt to try to treatthe relative directory path as absolute.Fixed a bug in which some top-level menu commands wereunconditionally enabled when an application-modal window wasactive; this would cause unexpected things to happen wheninvoking those commands while an application-modal panel wasactive (such as leaning on Cmd-Option-W for 'Close All Documents'with a save confirmation panel active.)
Removed anachronistic references to 'Take Control of BBEdit'from the built-in help.
Rectified an old mistake in how custom highlight colors weremanaged in color schemes. Previously, BBEdit would infer thesetting of 'Use custom highlight colors' based on whether customcolors were present in the color scheme. This is no longer thecase: the 'Use custom highlight colors' setting is now explicitin the color scheme, so that you can turn it on and off withoutaffecting the presence of any custom colors in the scheme.Existing color schemes are used transparently and upgraded inplace, if necessary. (Note that this change is not backwardcompatible; any 'Use custom highlight colors' setting present inthe scheme is ignored by older versions of BBEdit.)
to the search metadata for the Appearancepreferences.Fixed bug in which using the 'Commands' command (on the Go menu)to select an untitled document would report a -1708 error.
Fixed bug in which return type annotations in Python functionswould confuse the function scanner.
Made a change so that entities occurring in
attributesare ignored when checking for whether special characters need tobe percent-encoded.Added
to the CSS keyword list.Fixed a bug in which the line number bar would not recalculateand redraw itself correctly in situations in which the text viewwas populated after creation or when a refresh from disk involveda significant (order of magnitude) change in overall line count.
Fixed a crash which would occur when quitting the applicationwhile open documents were waiting to process a changenotification from the ctags subsystem.
Reworked the display mechanics of the search/replace historymenu, to simplify things and work around bugs in the OS. Amongother things, keyboard navigation and confirmation in the menuwork now.
Moving or renaming a Mac application while it is running cancause it to malfunction. The OS won't let you put a runningapplication in the trash, but it curiously will allow you to moveor rename one. When this happens to BBEdit, it will alert youaccordingly and require you to relaunch it.
Fixed a bug in which certain legacy color schemes containedsettings that should have been ignored, but were not; andswitching from one such scheme to a scheme which did notcontain those color settings would fail to change the colors.(This generally happened with HTML tags.)
Fixed a crash which would occur when using 'Save as Clipping' or'Save Selection as Clipping' when there existed more than oneclipping set with the same semantic name (for example, a clippingset in a named '16)Foo' and a clipping set named '23)Foo').
Fixed bug in which using the scripting interface to split orunsplit an editing view would not immediately draw the splitterbar across the view.
Fixed bug in which the 'New Project' file panel would reappearafter clicking the 'Cancel' button.
Made a change so that text inside of a live search highlightrange is always drawn using an appropriate color from the currentcolor scheme (either the foreground color or the backgroundcolor, depending on contrast needs).
Fixed bug in which the incorrect error code was reported whentrying to send commands to a dead shell process from a shellworksheet.
Fixed a grammar inconsistency in the Text Factory summary linefor the 'Process Lines Containing' operation.
Corrected the typographer's quotes around “.editorconfig” in theText Options popover and sheet.
If you add a legacy format color scheme to the Color Schemesfolder, BBEdit will convert it to the current format so that itis available immediately on the color schemes menu in the TextColors preferences.
Fixed a bug in which changing the 'Show Invisibles' or 'ShowSpaces' setting would cause the text to scroll in cases where the'Soft Wrap Text' setting was turned on.
Fixed a bug in which windows for newly created project documentswould be the wrong width in cases where 'Save Default ProjectWindow' was done with the edit view hidden.
Fixed crash which would occur when trying to delete a bunch ofitems from the Multi-File Search window sources list by using the'-' widget and clicking rapidly.
Added some keywords to the PostgreSQL keyword list.
Checked the alignment of the color scheme popup button and itslabel in the 'Text Colors' preferences.
Checked the alignment of the font setting items in the EditorDefaults preferences.
Changed the scrollbar in the color settings outline view in theText Colors preferences so that it matches the same appearance asthe outline view itself.
Fixed a bug in which the window title bar violator forevaluation mode would take up measurement space in the title bareven when it was invisible.
When dragging a folder to the FTP Browser for upload, BBEditwill now upload the entire folder (creating a folder in the droplocation if necessary), rather than just its contents.
Fixed bug in which double-clicking on an item on the list in themulti-file 'confirm before closing' panel would save thedouble-clicked item and discard unsaved changes to all theothers.
Made a change so that when the text color scheme doesn't matchthe application appearance, the scrollbars in text views willmatch the color scheme, not the application appearance.(Thanks to Andrew Madsen for a very helpful tip here.)
Made a change so that the completion panel shows up in the darkappearance when the text view's background is dark.
Fixed bug in which the representation of text being draggedwould be squished horizontally; the further the selected text wasfrom the left edge from the window, the more squishing wouldoccur.
Fixed bug in which document state was not autosaved when closingthe document (including when quitting).
If you attempt to Canonize the same file that is specified in aCanonize operation, Canonize will stop you from doing this,because it's a bad idea.
The filter runner for 'Preview in BBEdit'
filters will nowset the environment up for the script/executable so that previewfilters that depend on being able to find things in theenvironment (such as$PATH
) will work correctly.Fixed a performance bug in which opening the Counterparts menuwould take a very long time (close to 30 seconds in some cases)when both the document name and the names of potentialcounterparts were of nontrivial length.
Made a change so that when using 'Save As' or 'Save a Copy' fora text document, clicking on a disabled file name in the Savepanel will enter only the clicked file's base name into the namefield, without changing the file name extension.
Restored a legacy behavior in which 'Preview in BBEdit' wasallowed to operate on the document being displayed in a resultswindow, even if it didn't have keyboard focus.
The HTML5 syntax checker will no longer warn for
tagswith arel
attribute value ofmask-icon
, nor will it reportan error when alink
tag contains acolor
attribute.Fixed crash which would occur when a Services operation (or anaction which triggered one, such as dragging image data -- not afile -- to the application dock icon) failed more than oncewithin the same run of the application.
Fixed a bug in which automatic matching delimiter insertionwhile typing would get confused in situations where anauto-inserted pair was deleted, and then a differentauto-matching pair was subsequently typed in the same location.
Fixed a bug in which pressing Return or Enter in the Live Searchbox should have refreshed the search results, but did not.
Bare Bones Software released BBEdit 13.0 on Thursday. I spend more time in BBEdit than any other Mac app, as it’s my writing and text munging tool of choice. This update adds a whole bunch of pattern-matching search-and-replace (or grep) features that I’m excited to put into use.
Grep searching apparently has gotten BBEdit creator Rich Siegel’s attention, because there’s a whole lot more of it in BBEdit 13. The Find window has gained the ability, previously available in the Live Search sheet, to automatically highlight all matching items in the active document window. Live Search has added the ability to use grep patterns. There’s a new grep cheat sheet right in the Find window, which should be helpful for people who are just getting into regular expressions—and even experienced grep users forget the right syntax for a particular pattern.
Most interesting is the new Pattern Playground feature, which acts like a test lab when you’re building a grep pattern. You can enter in patterns and instantly see what they match in a test file or any currently open document. It also displays what’s captured by each group in a complex expression, and will provide a live preview of replacement patterns. Once you’ve perfected your pattern, you can save it to the saved patterns library or just click Use for Find to have the perfected pattern entered in the Find window. There are standalone apps and websites that do this, but I usually don’t bother with them and just keep hacking away in the Find window within BBEdit. Now this feature’s right inside of BBEdit, and I expect to use it a lot.
There are a bunch of other features, of course. BBEdit can dynamically switch between light and dark themes, offers a direct link to the company’s famously detailed change notes from right within the app’s Help menu, and added a new Apply Text Transform feature to automate simple batch text transformation tasks. There’s also a new Find and Select All command that will, based on your current search settings, select all matches in a document—and if you type when those items are all selected, what you type will replace all the selected instances.
Finally, a word about pricing and compatibility. BBEdit 13.0’s paid version costs $50, and users from previous paid versions can upgrade for $30 (from the previous version) or $40 (from older versions). The last paid update to BBEdit was two years ago, and the previous one to that was five years ago. Users of BBEdit on the Mac App Store won’t have to pay to get the update; on the Mac App Store, BBEdit’s premium features are a subscription for $40/year or $4/month and get access to all updates forever.
What’s all this about a “paid version” and “premium features”? The fact is, BBEdit’s actually a free app now, dating back to when the company put its old free BBEdit spin-off, TextWrangler, out to pasture. (This is especially relevant with the impending release of macOS Catalina, which will kill off support for 32-bit apps like TextWrangler.) You can use most of the features of BBEdit without paying anything. Bare Bones reserves some newer and pro-level features for users who have paid, but it’s an enormously useful tool without paying a cent.
Bbedit 10 Download
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