TXF Convert version 1.0.1 has four built-in conversion formats for Tax eXchange Format (TXF) data files.
- Microsoft Excel .xls
- Numbers .csv
- AppleWorks (ASCII) .txt
- Pages (Unicode) .txt
TXF Convert version 2.0 has one conversion format for Tax eXchange Format (TXF) data files, .csv (comma separated variables). The .csv format can be imported by any spreadsheet, the most common being
- Microsoft Excel .csv
- Numbers .csv
If the application you want to use for viewing formatted TXF data is not listed, contact us and we will work with you to add it to the list.
Txf File Conversion Software
TXF Convert is a financial utility that helps people doing their US taxes view their accounting data exported in Tax eXchange Format (TXF) format in a more human readable format. Unlike trying to make sense of the raw TXF export file, TXF Convert quickly reorganizes the data into a spreadsheet format making it easier to view and sort.
Dwg To Dxf File Conversion
- This is where 1099-B Importer comes in handy. It converts.csv files into.txf files compliant with the latest v042 TXF specification. These.txf files can then be easily imported in your tax software. 1099-B Importer works on virtually any.csv file, you just have to specify the column mapping. 1099-B Importer is free and does not require.
- Select 'TXF' from the files menu of the financial software. In most programs, like Money or Quicken, this action is under a 'convert' dialogue. Convert the Excel file into a TXF by clicking 'convert' or the equivalent in your program of choice.
- Follow these steps: Click Choose CSV File to pick your.CSV file to upload. Click Convert and if prompted select 'save to file'. Import the downloaded TXF file in TurboTax. Your CSV file should have ONLY the following six (6) columns in this EXACT order. (headers are optional).